Default, Redirect and Wildcard Routes (DRAFT) 6.0

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Default route

The initial URL in the browser bar after the app launches is something like localhost:8080.

That doesn’t match any of the configured routes, which means that the app won’t display any component when it’s launched. The user must click one of the links to trigger a navigation and component display.

It would be nicer if the app had a default route that displayed the list of heroes immediately. One way to achieve this is to add useAsDefault: true as an argument to the Heroes route definition:

lib/src/routes.dart (useAsDefault)

static final heroes = RouteDefinition(
  routePath: RoutePaths.heroes,
  component: hero_list_template.HeroListComponentNgFactory,
  useAsDefault: true,

open_in_browser Refresh the browser and try it. Notice that the heroes list is displayed when the app launches, but that the URL path is /.

Redirect route

As an alternative solution, remove the useAsDefault argument that you just added, and instead add a redirect route that will translate an initial relative path ('/') to the desired default path (/#/heroes).

lib/src/routes.dart (redirect)

static final all = <RouteDefinition>[
  // ···
    path: '',
    redirectTo: RoutePaths.heroes.toUrl(),
  // ···

open_in_browser Refresh the browser and try it. Now the browser address bar path is /#/heroes as if you’d navigated there directly.

Wildcard route

While you’ve created routes to /#/crises and /#/heroes, what if the router is given another path? Add a wildcard route so that all other paths are handled by a “Not Found” (404) component:

lib/src/routes.dart (wildcard)

static final all = <RouteDefinition>[
  // ···
    path: '.+',
    component: not_found_template.NotFoundComponentNgFactory,

The path regular expression '.+' matches every non-empty path. (Exclude the empty path so that it triggers the useAsDefault route you defined earlier.) The router will select the wildcard route if it can’t match a route earlier in the routes list.

App code

In this short iteration you’ve tried default, redirect and wildcard routes. Here are the files that were added or edited:

|import 'package:angular_router/angular_router.dart'; | |import 'crisis_list_component.template.dart' as crisis_list_template; |import 'hero_list_component.template.dart' as hero_list_template; |import 'not_found_component.template.dart' as not_found_template; |import 'route_paths.dart'; | |export 'route_paths.dart'; | |class Routes { | static final crises = RouteDefinition( | routePath: RoutePaths.crises, | component: crisis_list_template.CrisisListComponentNgFactory, | ); | | static final heroes = RouteDefinition( | routePath: RoutePaths.heroes, | component: hero_list_template.HeroListComponentNgFactory, | useAsDefault: true, | ); | | static final all = <RouteDefinition>[ | crises, | heroes, | RouteDefinition.redirect( | path: '', | redirectTo: RoutePaths.heroes.toUrl(), | ), | RouteDefinition( | path: '.+', | component: not_found_template.NotFoundComponentNgFactory, | ), | ]; |} |import 'package:angular/angular.dart'; | |@Component( | selector: 'my-not-found', | template: '<h2>Page not found</h2>', |) |class NotFoundComponent {}